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天津美术网 www.022meishu.com 2018-01-16 14:34



  Peng in Shanxi - 2018 Feng Lipeng Artwork Exhibition


  Hosted by: Beijing Chinese Businessman Museum


  Organized by: Zhongyi Chinese Businessman (Beijing) Culture Development Co., Ltd.


  Chief Sponsor: Shanxi Edencity Commercial Co.,Ltd.


  Academic host: Wu Hong


  Curator: Qi Tingjie


  Exhibition arranger: Zhang Li


  Media inspector: Wang Zhigang


  Exhibition opening: 15:30, January 20, 2018


  Exhibition time: January 20 to 27, 2018


  Exhibition place: Beijing Chinese Businessman Museum


  Exhibition address: Block 1A, No. 58, Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing





  Peng in Shanxi


  Written by Qi Tingjie


布袋罗汉 Arhat NO.14 97x57cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2017

芭蕉罗汉 Arhat NO.7 97x57cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2017

  There are a few distinct characteristics in the creation of Chinese contemporary art: From the "bringism", "copy" in the beginning to Chinese and western integration - from Chinese local scene shaping with western language to the contemporary transition of traditional resources, it gradually develops from western - local transform - international logic change, telling the construction and generation of Chinese contemporary art right language system. In the process of transformation, with the integral improvement of Chinese comprehensive power and the continuous development of economy, national confidence and cultural confidence improve along. More and more artists voluntarily seek for breakthrough from traditional cultures with international vision and absorb possibilities from hometown. Whether it is visual resource or visual language, after the combination with perusal culture and emotional sediment, it shall generate new cultural faces and artistic layout.


关羽 Guanyu 150x75cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2017

幻殿11号 Fantastic Palace NO.11 180x120cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2014

  In Chinese legend system, Shanxi is very famous. Many ancient myths such as Hopen Patching the Sky, Pangu breaking the sky, Jingwei the bird trying to fill the sea and Foolish old man trying to move the mountain that symbolize the Chinese civilization take place in Shanxi. Three generations of saint kings, including Tang Yao, Yu Shun and Xia Yu built their capitals in Shanxi. Yan Emperor Shennong also created civilization here. It is said that the ancient love story about cowherd and weaving girl also took place in Shanxi. As the origin of Chinese civilization, Shanxi in Yellow River drainage basin is of profound historical accumulation and cultural genes. Shanxi merchants known for being "king of the business world for 500 years" keep standing in business world with its unique cultural concept, including honesty, integrity, diligence, perception, love for country, people and the world. All these qualities and cultural resources constitute the "culture root" of Shanxi and even China.


伊甸城 Eden City 75x150cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2018

逍遥游15 The Carefree Excursion NO.15 100x140cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2017

  The recent paintings of youth artist Feng Lipeng are of obvious "culture root" aesthetic feature. "Culture root" means a fundamental spiritual leading power that the nation depends on. As cultural integrity, it is a common cultural DNA of the nation as well as the culture self-consciousness and centripetal force developed from multiple aspects. Feng Lipeng was born in Jinzhong, Shanxi. He applied various visual cultural marks in his recent works. There is the image of Guan Yu, the battle saint born in Yuncheng, Shanxi, the image of architectural complex and temples in Mount Wutai, figures of eighteen disciples of the Buddha and even the figure of "Adam and Eva" (Eastern Garden of Eden). All these creations are the love of Feng Lipeng for his hometown as a Shanxi people and convey the love and nostalgic complex for the hometown through the application of images and figures on surface. With deep analysis, the implanting of weakened image resource in the background develops a set of unique visual metaphor: "Image changing" or "figure following" endows some cultural metaphor on the visual resources. It is not only absorbing nutrition from "culture root" but also back-feeding art into the culture.

  鲲鹏作为一种上古神兽,在《庄子·逍遥游》中有如下描述:北冥有鱼,其名曰鲲。鲲之大,不知其几千里也;化而为鸟,其名为鹏。鹏之背,不知其几千里也。怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。入定,又称禅定,指一种修行方法,闭眼静坐,控制思想,不起杂念。唐玄奘在《大唐西域记·曲女城》曰:“时仙人居殑伽河侧,栖神入定,经数万岁,形如枯木。 唐白居易《在家出家》诗云:“中宵入定跏趺坐,女唤妻呼多不应。”鲲鹏晋定,可以充分的阐释冯丽鹏作为艺术家的创作特色与生活中的为人、做人。一方面,鲲鹏的神话属性与山西地域产生的神话传说同宗同祖,这就具有了“文化根性”层面的共鸣,也意指冯丽鹏性格的洒脱、自由、逍遥,苏轼《与子由弟》有云:“任性逍遥,随缘放旷,但凡尽心,别无胜解”,把“任性逍遥,随缘放旷”这种任真适性的旷达之境看作人生最高境界。另外,冯丽鹏作品中的禅意、定意,既是艺术家自我修行的一种方式,也是其作品传达意图的精髓之一。

幻殿60号 Fantastic Palace NO.60 90x120cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2017

五台山1号 Wutai Mountain No.1 57x97cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2017

幻殿59号 Fantastic Palace NO.59 120x180cm 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 2017

  As an ancient mythical creatures, Kun Peng is described as follows in Chuang Tzu - Wandering in Absolute Freedom A fish in North-Ming is named as Kun. Kun is so big that I do not how many thousand miles it is; it turns into bird and is named as Peng. I also do not know how many thousand miles its back is. It soars and its wings are like the clouds in the sky. Meditation is also known as Zen meditation. It is a way of cultivation. Close your eyes and the sit quietly, control your mind with no distracting thoughts. Monk Xuanzang wrote in Great Tang Records on the Western Regions - Qunv City: "Gods live by Ganga, they meditate and after thousands of years, they are like dead trees. Bai Juyi in Tang Dynasty wrote in the poem Be A Monk at Home: "Meditate at noon and do not respond even the daughter and wife call". Kun Peng meditates in Shanxi can fully tell the creation characteristics and behaviors of Feng Lipeng as an artist. On one side, the myth of Kun Peng shares the same origin with the legends in Shanxi, and then it shall have the resonance of "culture root". It also tells the free spirit and big heart of Feng Lipeng. Su Shi wrote in Together with Brother Ziyou: "Free and easy, let things go with nature, but do your best". "Free and easy" is taken as the utmost state of life for open-mindedness. Plus, the Zen and meditation in his works are not only a way of self-cultivation for artists but also one of the essences that the works want to convey.


  There are two meanings for the exhibition "Peng in Shanxi". The first is that it is the first time Feng Lipeng hosts his individual work exhibition in Chinese Businessman Museum; the second is that Feng Lipeng crosses the time and space to talk and pay respect to his hometown Shanxi in spirit and soul with his works. Wish a great success for this exhibition.

来源:雅昌艺术网 责任编辑:简宁
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