六十年的约定—龎均油画展7月10日开幕大英博物馆里的中国历史老人收藏钟表电器老物件36年 逝世后家人捐赠大英自然史博物馆宝藏首登台湾艺术史的危机与当代艺术走向解锐夫旧藏黄宾虹《蜀游峨眉山水册》王献之《奉对帖》背后的故事什么样的袁大头可以拍卖到万元清代顾二娘砚雕真伪与收藏蔡襄在“宋四家”中为何最受冷遇陈师曾与湖州籍艺术家金城杨莘耜趣事《涉案文物鉴定评估管理办法》出台北京中轴线申遗 文物修缮将“修旧如旧”盛世讴歌-中国画名家邀请展在天津青创美术馆开幕养君子之兰 画君子之风-高山画兰作品欣赏李宁作品展亮相广东 以当代水墨叙说生命体验中国美术馆放大招 毕加索 达利齐上阵!拉浪当智:唐卡艺术是一生的使命陶瓷2.0时代 天津工美大师王辉谈其诞生杨壹元:赵孟頫书法美之辨盛世讴歌-纪念建党97周年中国画名家邀请展在天津画院青创美术馆开幕笔精墨妙:著名画家赵景收艺术创作民族精神·视觉力量-天津美院视觉传达设计作品欣赏养君子之兰 画君子之风—霍春阳评点高山画兰孙其峰、聂义斌师生书画作品故乡展在招远展览馆举行台湾中华大学师生莅临中国楹联博物馆参观交流临风听蝉——李旺水墨作品展在滨海新区开幕“百年雍容 德艺双馨”溥佐纪念展及家族作品联展在即墨举行我心中的廉洁格言-天津市河西区庆“七一”书画展开幕精准扶贫 文化同行——庆“七·一”宝坻、武山书画作品交流展在宝坻书画院开幕2018鼎天春拍名家书画精品云集 29日起预展7月1日正式开槌庆“七·一”中国书画精品展在庆王府开幕 12位书画家力作展出东丽文化馆组织绘东丽写生采风 来自全国各地50余艺术家参加天津翰海书画院举行聘书颁发仪式 着力提升整体艺术水平缘人缘红木文化艺术馆揭牌 举办“浮生雅趣”国画名家邀请展
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天津美术网 www.022meishu.com 2018-07-06 11:45




  artist: PANG JIUN


  Exhibition Date:10th July—31st July 2018


  Reception: Tuesday, 10th July 2018 6pm to 8:30pm


  Organizer:The Rotunda, Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong


  Free Admission

  龎均,十年窗下无人问 一举成名天下知,2003,165x165cm





  A Retrospective Exhibition of the Decades Long Creative Journey of a Contemporary Oil Painting Master - including specially commissioned new works

  “The Journey of a Promise – Oil Paintings by Pang Jiun”, an exhibition showcasing the creative process over the last 60 years of a man considered to be one of the great masters of Chinese oil painting。 Pang has long been hailed as the Qi Baishi of oil painting。 Employing a style that recalls both Fauvism and the poetic feeling of Chinese ink painting, Pang uses tones of grey to depict misty scenery in his works, most of which are landscapes, still lifes and human figures。 Now, in addition to displaying some of his greatest paintings from the past, Hongkong Land has the great honour of having Mr Pang create new artworks for this upcoming exhibition, with paintings featuring Hong Kong themes rendered in his distinctive east-meets-west artistic style。 The exhibition will run from 10th to 31st July 2018 at The Rotunda, Exchange Square, Central。

  On a mission to change the belief that “oil paintings don’t belong to the Chinese”, Pang’s decades-long career has been marked by an obsession to create oil on canvases with Chinese characteristics。 “The Journey of a Promise – Oil Paintings by Pang Jiun” will feature over 30 masterworks created by Pang at various periods and places, all displayed within a venue designed to reflect traditional Chinese landscape gardening。 Presented with vistas streaming through classical lattice work and oil paintings hanging on an array of white Chinese garden walls, visitors will find themselves steeped in the scenery of a literati garden。


  1936 生於上海

  1947  龎壔、龎均畫展首展於廣州

  1948  龎壔、龎均油畫聯展於上海義利畫廊

  1949  考入杭州美術學院

  1954  畢業於中央美術學院

  1956  加入中華全國美術家協會

  1954~1980  任北京畫院等,專任油畫家並兼事藝術院校教學工作


  1979  組織參與北京‘新春油畫展’,發起‘北京油畫研究會’,參加全國性藝術在野運動(此運動随後產生‘星星畫會’等藝術團體)

  1980  移居香港


  1981~1987     任教於香港中文大學校外進修部、香港浸會學院音樂美術系

  1987  定居台灣





  1989~1992     台北、台中、高雄舉辦六次個展

  1994  油畫邀請展在台灣省立美術館

  1994~2000     台北、高雄舉辦九次油畫個展

  1995  列入英國劍橋世界名人錄(IBC)

  1997     列入英國劍橋世界名人錄‘世界500第一’之列


  2000  上海‘龎薰琹三代九人藝術展’


  2001  率領‘跨世紀油畫研究會’成員及台北油畫家赴上海、蘇州、常熟寫生




  2002  杭州中國美術學院油畫示範(作品165×165cm)

  2003  國父紀念館中山畫廊邀請展出‘龎均的藝術’




  2004  雲南藝術學院講座與油畫示範(作品165×165cm),北京中央美術學院油畫講座與油畫示範,作品《音樂中的色彩》(165×165cm),北京清華大學美術學院油畫講座及示範,作品《音樂中的寫意》(165×165cm),在北京服裝學院油畫講座與示範


  2005  油畫個展、出版畫册《走過58年藝術生涯》

  2006  ‘龎均70’個展於北京

  2007  列入英國劍橋世界名人錄(IBC)‘世界頂尖100位藝術家’、‘卓越藝術貢獻’,以及‘達文西油畫類獎’





  2008  個展於香港一畫廊


  2009  ‘龎均的油畫藝術’台灣歷史博物館邀請展






  2010  ‘色彩與意境—龎?均油畫展’台北國際藝術博覽會於赤粒藝術


  2011  ‘花景之春’個展於台北赤粒藝術




  2012  ‘龎均風景藝術專展’於台北赤粒藝術

  ‘江山如畫正是江山不如畫 龎?均-2012上海油畫展’上海藝術




  2013  ‘自然之聲風景聯展’北京中國美術館

  ‘在台灣的龎氏家族’北京Art China中國國際文化藝術博覽會

  ‘龎均油畫個展’香港Fine Art Asia 2013典亞藝博

  2014  ‘龎均:色彩的語言’2014北京藝術博覽會於龍門雅集



  2015  ‘東方文明-龎均個展’日升月鴻畫廊策展於威尼斯聖瑪莉亞聖 殤學院


  2016 ‘龎均人體素描藝術展’香港Fine Art Asia 2016典亞藝博


  2017 ‘龎均的藝術’廈門中華兒女美術館


  1988  油畫技法哲學,藝術家出版社

  1999  油畫寫生哲學論,藝術家出版社

  2001  油畫技法創新論,藝術家出版社

  2007  油畫論,人民美術出版社


  1988  《評估大陸油畫教育的核心學府-中央美術學院》

  1989  《龎氏家族繪畫傳承的藝術啟示-一份有關創作意念的學術報告》《匆匆走過四十二年藝術生涯》

  1990  《油畫技法的核心》


  1992  《論色彩的精神性》《寫生日記》

  1994  《油畫創作理念的探索》《新寫意主義之探索-再論油畫創作之理念》

  1995  《論油畫小品》

  1996  《創作告白》《論詩情畫意的藝術哲學》《‘藝術伴侶’的私房話》

  1997  《決瀾社與決瀾後藝術現象》《創建中國自己的現代藝術-‘決瀾’與‘決瀾後’》

  1998  《中國油畫探索創新之艱辛》

  1999  《色、線、形的交錯》

  2000  《從西方藝術傳承談藝術天才》

  2001  《畫家色彩實踐與諸多理論性的問題》

  2002  《油畫色彩的思索之二-色彩是油畫的靈魂》

  2003  《堅持藝術與藝術堅持》《創立中國風格的現代油畫藝術》《關於私房畫》

  2004  《藝術對談》

  2005  《表現形式與藝術創新》《油畫的諸多問題》

  2006  《藝術不能停止》

  2007  《論色彩、筆觸、表現、風格》《設計的繪畫性與繪畫的設計性》

  2008  《論線》




  1936  Born in Shanghai。

  1947  First exhibition (with Pang Dao) in Guangzhou。

  1948  Exhibition of oil paintings of Pang Dao and Pang Jiun in Yili Gallery, Shanghai。

  1949  Passes the entrance exam to National College of Art, Hangzhou。

  1954  Graduates from the Central Institute of Fine Art, Beijing。

  1956  Joins China Association of Fine Arts。

  1954 - 1980  Participates 7 national competitions of fine arts and 8 municipal (joint) exhibitions as a professional painter and teacher at Beijing Art Academy。

  1979  Organizes and participates in “Spring Exhibition of Oil Painting,” Beijing; founds Beijing Club of Oil Painting; engages in the nationwide non-government art movement (which gave impetus to groups such as the Stars Group)。

  1980  Emigrates to Hong Kong。

  Solo exhibition of oil paintings in Hong Kong Arts Centre。

  1981-1987  Teaches at the Division of Continuing Education of Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Department of Music and Arts of Hong Kong Baptist College。

  1987  Settles in Taiwan。

  First solo exhibition of oil paintings in Lungmen Gallery, Taiwan。

  Teaches at the National Taiwan University of Arts (formerly National Taiwan Institute of Arts, National Taiwan College of Arts)。

  Invited into the committees of Taiwan Provincial Fine Art Exhibition and Nanying Art Exhibition for Literature and Arts, as judge of oil painting。

  Appointed Honorary Director of Pang Xunqin Museum, Changshu, Jiangsu。

  1989-1992  6 solo exhibitions in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung。

  1994  Invitation exhibition of oil paintings in National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts。

  1994-2000  9 solo exhibitions of oil paintings in Taipei and Kaohsiung。

  1995  Listed by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, in the Dictionary of International Biography。

  1997  Listed by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, in the 500 Founders of the 21st Century。

  1999-2001  Co-organizes Cross-Century Club of Oil Painting; 2 annual exhibitions。

  2000  “Nine Artists Art Exhibition of Three Generations from Pang Xunqin Family,” Shanghai。

  On-site demonstrations of oil painting (165 by 165cm) in Shanghai and Changshu。

  2001  Sketches in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Changshu with members of Cross-Century Club of Oil Painting and oil painters from Taipei。

  Organizes an academic symposium of cross-strait oil painters in Shanghai。

  Exhibits sketches and conducts inter-school educational activities in Changshu; “Oil Paintings by Pang Jiun: Inaugural Exhibition in the 21st Century”。

  2002  On-site demonstration of oil painting (165 by 165cm) in China Academy of Art, Hangzhou。

  2003  Invitation exhibition “The Art of Pang Jiun” at Chung San Hall, National Dr。 Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei。

  Listed by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, in the 500 Founders of the 21st Century。

  Presents the essay “A Style of One‘s Own: The Art of Modern Chinese Painting” in The Art of Chinese Oil Painting Conference, Beijing。

  “The Private Works of the Two Generations of the Pang Family”

  2004  Seminar and on-site demonstration of oil painting (165 by 165cm) in Yunnan Arts University; oil painting seminar and demonstration of “Color in Music” (165 by 165cm) in China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing; lectures and demonstration of “Idea in Music” (165 by 165cm) in the Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University; seminar and on-site demonstration of oil painting in Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology。

  Receives the 21st Century Award for Lifetime Achievement from the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England。

  2005  Solo exhibition of oil paintings; publishes 58 Years of Art。

  2006  “Pang Jiun 70,” Beijing。

  2007  Listed in the Top 100 Artists of the World by and receives the awards of Outstanding Achievement in Art and Da Vinci Diamond in Oil Painting from the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England。

  Retires from the National Taiwan University of Arts, after the exhibition “Twenty Years” in NTUA and the final lecture。

  Solo exhibition in Taichung。

  Seminars on art in China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, and Changshu Institute of Technology。

  Solo exhibition of oil paintings “Affection for Homeland, Perspective of Life” in Changshu Museum。

  2008  Solo exhibition in Yan Gallery, Hong Kong。

  Invitation exhibition “Pang Jiun: The Art of Oil Painting,” National Art Museum of China, Beijing。

  2009  Invitation exhibition “The Art of Pang Jiun,” National Museum of History, Taipei。

  More than 30 solo exhibitions of oil paintings was held and 10 catalogues published。

  Being recognized by the American Biographical Institute with his achievement within the artistic field。

  Being rewarded with the Fellow of American Biographical Institute Award by the American Biographical Institute。

  Received the Gold Record of Achievement of the American

  Biographical Institute in representative of Taiwan。

  2010  “Art of Color, Soul of Art: The Oil Painting of Pang Jiun,” Red Gold Fine Art, Art Taipei 2010。

  Awarded “2010 Top Ten Artists of the Year in Ink Painting and Oil Painting,” China。

  2011  “Spring in Full Blossom,” Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei。

  “Inheritance and Refinement of Art” joint exhibition of the Pang Family, Beijing Fine Art Academy, Beijing。

  “Color, Line, Figure: The Art of Pang Jiun,” Ever Harvest Art Gallery, Art Taipei 2011。

  Solo exhibition, GSR Gallery, Taichung。

  2012  “Pang Jiun‘s Landscape Art,” Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei。

  “The Land Rich in Beauty,” Red Gold Fine Art, Art Taipei 2012。

  “The Land is Picturesque and Non-Picturesque,” Longmen Art Projects, Pang Jiun Shanghai Studio。

  “The Oil Painting of Pang Jiun,” Ever Harvest Art Gallery, Art Taipei 2012。

  2013  “Sound of Nature: Landscape Oil Painting Invitational Exhibition 2013,” The National Art Museum of China, Beijing。

  “The Pang Family in Taiwan,” Art China, Beijing。

  “Oil Paintings of Pang Jiun,” Fine Art Asia 2013, Hong Kong。

  2014  “The Language of Colors”, Longmen Art Projects, 2014 Art Beijing

  “Pang Jiun‘s Art of Human Figure”, Ever Harvest Art Gallery, Taipei。

  “Pang Jiun Artwork Exhibition”, Ever Harvest Art Gallery, 2014 Art Taipei。

  2015  “Orient Civilization - Pang-Jiun Solo Exhibition”, Istituto Santa Maria della Pietà, Venice

  “Pang Jiun: Expression of the Orient ,Ueno Royal Museum,Tokyo

  2016 “Pang Jiun: Art of Figure Drawing” Fine Art Asia 2016, Hong Kong。

  “Pang Jiun 80: Art Taipei 2016

  2017 “Pang Jiun Artwork Exhibition” Art Museum of China Profiles,Xiamen (AMCP)


  Techniques of Oil Painting, Taipei: Artist Publishing Co。, 1988

  Sketch and Oil Painting, Taipei: Artist Publishing Co。, 1999

  Innovation of Techniques of Oil Painting, Taipei: Artist Publishing Co。, 2001。

  On Oil Painting, Shanghai: People‘s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2007

  Selected Articles

  1988  “An Assessment of China Central Institute of Fine Art, the Core Educational Institution of Oil Painting in Mainland China”

  1989  “Art Inspiration Passed on by the Paintings of the Pang Family: A Scholarly Report on the Idea of Art Creation”

  “42 Years of Art in a Flash”

  1990  “The Core of Techniques of Oil Painting”

  “The Pictorial, Spiritual, and Romantic Aspects of the Art of Decoration”

  1992  “On the Spirituality of Color”

  “A Journal of Sketches”

  1994  “An Exploration of the Creative Idea of Oil Painting”

  “An Exploration of the New Freehand Painting: Re-thinking the Creative Idea of Oil Painting”

  1995  “On Small-Scale Oil Painting”

  1996  “A Confession of Creative Idea”

  “On the Art Philosophy of Lyricism”

  “A Private Talk of the ‘Art Mates’”

  1997  “The Art Phenomenon of the Storm Society and Thereafter” “Towards the Construction of Chinese Modern Art: Storm Society and Thereafter”

  1998  “On the Difficulties of Innovating Chinese Oil Painting”

  1999  “Color, Line, and Shape in Intersection”

  2000  “On Art Genius in Terms of Western Art Inheritance”

  2001  “The Practice of Color and Other Theoretical Concerns”

  2002  “Thoughts on the Use of Color II: Color as the Soul of Oil Painting”

  2003  “Persistence in Art and Artistic Persistence”

  “A Style of One‘s Own: The Art of Modern Chinese Painting”

  “About Private Works”

  2004  “A Dialogue about Art”

  2005  “Form of Expression and Art Innovation”

  “On the Various Problems Concerning Oil Painting”

  2006  “Art Cannot Stop”

  2007  “On Color, Stroke, Expression, and Style”

  “Pictorial Aspect of Design and Design in Painting”

  2008  “On Lines”


  The National Art Museum of China, National Museum of China, Changshu Museum, Pang Xunqin Museum, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Art, Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University, Yunnan Arts University, National Taiwan University of Arts, National Dr。 Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Capital Museum, Beijing Society of Artists, Liu Hulan Memorial Hall in Shanxi, Mexico Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, and private collectors worldwide。

来源:雅昌艺术网 责任编辑:简宁
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• 祁海平教授做客竹间书院 阐释抽象艺术的中国境界
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• 林跃藏地油画展7月14日在中国美术馆开幕
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• “金色 绿色 春风沉醉”张业鸿个展开幕
• “当代中国油画精英邀请展”亮相上海艺术馆
• 杨婉的系列作品:绘画中光的语言
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