喂! 第三届南京当代艺术主题展山西博物院镇馆之宝晋侯鸟尊将再修复国际博物馆馆长论坛开幕在即“史海寻贝”:美术史论家李松的治学与收藏法国著名墙绘艺术家柒先生全球个展首秀王小双新个展“时代标本”在大烟囱艺术中心启幕保利春拍重磅推介吴冠中罕见60年创作《花卉》陕西国画院2018名家工作室开学典礼昨日举行展览解读:古籍纸张知多少?中华创世神话参与画家:创作提升民族自信透过水墨见乡情 王少才山水画展亮相曲靖美术馆毕加索《拿花篮的女孩》1.1亿美元成交《清风徐来》南京市政协画廊中国画展开幕博物馆级藏品赵左《谿山无尽》图卷河北省艺术品鉴定与评估专家委员会成立金代海陵王正隆元宝折十大钱欣赏中国文物学会收藏鉴定委员会工作会议在沪举行本周末西泠拍卖杭城火热征集 7月举槌纸之源流:魏晋南北朝纸逐渐取代了简帛曲璞:对少儿书法篆刻教学的几点看法中国书画30家巡展天津暨吕大江艺术研讨会在鸿德艺术馆举行《岁月本长》首发式暨孙本长艺术人生论坛5月10日在天津国展中心举行“首届京津冀中国书画作品上海交流展”在上海新华中心新空间开幕“春之韵-津沽五友书画作品展”在水上公园雅闳轩开幕王炯智书画篆刻艺术大展在中国楹联博物馆开幕庆祝改革开放40周年暨五四青年节大学生优秀水彩作品展在南开人民文化宫开幕当代油画名家许宁的绘画艺术笔墨传情 翰墨人生:读刘西林工笔花鸟河北区望海楼街社团文艺汇演活动在沉香博物馆举行楚桐蜀丝话古琴·乐器张手工斫琴展演在十方雅集举办首届京津冀中国书画作品上海交流展将于5月7日在上海新华中心新空间开幕贾宝珉个人精品展在西青区七月美术馆开幕“翰墨寄情——第二届京津冀书法交流展”在静海区光合谷举行“于小冬工作室成立四周年特展”在天津画院青创美术馆开幕“好墨轻研——吴玉如先生书法展”在天津美术馆开幕
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喂! 第三届南京当代艺术主题展

天津美术网 www.022meishu.com 2018-05-10 09:31


  Art Mavericks

  / 喂! 第三届南京当代艺术主题展


  Artists (in no particular order):

  杨志麟 管策 汤国 刘赦 周啸虎 王轶琼

  Yang Zhilin/Guan Ce/Tang Guo/Liu She/Zhou Xiaohu/Wang Yuqiong

  张立明 黄峻 金锋 王立平 张正民 罗荃木

  Zhang Liming/Huang Jun/Jin Feng/Wang Liping/Zhang Zhengmin/Luo Quanmu

  王成 封加樑 赵勤 包忠 王强 曹恺

  Wang Cheng/Feng Jialiang/Zhao Qin/Bao Zhong/Wang Qiang/Cao Kai

  顾小剑 顾小平 谢中霞 董文胜 高波

  Gu Xiaojian/Gu Xiaoping/Xie Zhongxia/Dong Wensheng/Gao Bo

  王张莉 吴翦 徐弘 俞洁 方蕾

  Wang Zhangli/Wu Jian/Xu Hong/Yu Jie/Fang Lei

  闫栋 李素芳 吕超 朱存伟 王东春

  Yan Dong/Li Sufang/Lu Chao/Zhu Cunwei/Wang Dongchun

  许翔 武小平 冯且 卞松 彭涛 卞少之 路路

  Xu Xiang/Wu Xiaoping/Feng Qie/Bian Song/Peng Tao/Bian Shaozhi/Lu Lu


  Curator: Gao Minglu


  Academic Host: Xue Mo


  Curator Assistant: Li Lu


  Exhibition Coordinator: Huang Yan


  Exhibition Organization: Luo Jia, Guo Suchen


  Visual Design: Yang Zhilin, Bai Hualong

  媒体支持:ART 404

  Media Support: ART 404

  展览主办 南京师范大学美术学院美术馆

  Exhibition Sponsor Nanjing University of Fine Arts Art Museum

  展览时间 2018年5月10日- 5月28日

  Exhibition time May 10, 2018 - May 28

  展览地点 南京市文苑路 1 号南京师范大学美术学院美术馆

  Venue: Art Museum, Nanjing Normal University, 1 Wenyuan Road, Nanjing

  Publisher : ART404


  高名潞/Gao Minglu

  天津美术网讯 《喂》展中的大多数艺术家都是八十年代以来在南京和全国很活跃的艺术家。我感觉到他们在面对正在发生的新的国际国内形势时希望找到自己的创作方式。他们首先反思知识分子的责任,思考多年人文主义热情,思考面对新的民粹潮流冲击时自己的应对之道。他们也在尝试不同的语言手段,比如如何用虚拟的影像去抓住日常的瞬间错位,从而找到当代人的感觉和心灵归宿。他们也试图从媒介和物质中提取某种灵性,以抵制无处不在的物欲。如此不一而足,总之,在日益疲软的当代艺术创作状态中,南京的这些艺术家思考着可能突破的路径。







  Most of the artists in the “Hello” exhibition were artists active in Nanjing and throughout the country since the 1980s。 I feel that they hope to find their own creative methods in the face of the new international and domestic situations that are taking place。 They first reflect on the responsibilities of intellectuals, think about the enthusiasm of humanism for many years, and think about how to deal with new populist trends。 They are also trying different linguistic means, such as how to use virtual images to capture the daily momentary dislocations, thereby finding the feelings and spiritual destination of contemporary people。 They also try to extract some kind of spirituality from the media and material to resist the omnipresent material desire。 So, in short, in the increasingly fragile state of contemporary artistic creation, these artists in Nanjing pondered possible breakthroughs。

  However, the new language and methodology are not one-off, and this has been proved by history。 New languages and new methodologies must be based on new philosophical perspectives, world views, and ways of thinking。 Without this foundation, only anxiety and impetuousness can be allowed to flourish。 This anxiety is not only the anxiety of Chinese intellectuals and artists, but also the global anxiety of elite intellectuals。 If we say that since the 20th century, intellectuals have been wearing two auras all the way to the scenery, one is the aura of institutional rebels who resist the capital and the market, and the other is the enlightener aura that advocates free and independent personal values。 In the Cold War period and even in the early days of globalization, these two haloes were once the soul and value of opposing masses in the two opposing camps。

  Today, however, the halo of these two intellectuals is fading。 It does not mean that these two kinds of values are wrong, but that the new knowledge of the narrative of new world forms makes these auras more likely to stay on the “politically correct” side。 It cannot continue to practice in humanity as it has done in the past。 The level of light glows。 The previous intellectual halo was based on simpler humanism and internationalism。 However, today it faces the new impact of globalization over the past 30 years。 The struggle between geopolitics and capital monopoly replaced the ideological rivalry of the Cold War, while world-wide strongman politics and populism took advantage of the situation and emerged in the two opposing national camps that appeared to be in opposition。 Trump, a strong and pragmaticist, proposed that “U.S。 priorities” and “U.S。 supremacy” are widely welcomed by the U.S。 grass-roots people。 Hillary still believes that she is wearing the savior of the universal aura。 She is speaking for freedom and democracy in the world。 The day before the vote, Clinton canvassed in Pennsylvania。 She insisted on giving lectures at elite Pittsburgh universities and not visiting those traditional coal and steel bases, which are common areas where the working class gathers。 Not only did she lose the traditional ticket office of the Democratic Party of Pennsylvania, but her failure also made many intellectual elites and university students in the country cry。

  Strongman and the public have joined forces to cross the “political correctness” of the intellectual elite - the grand narrative of the elite who used to make them lose their words。 As a result, they did not hesitate to negate the illusory aura and chose their own personal interests。 Strongman politics has raised daily oil and salt to the national interest。 The value of the geopolitical era became the “nation” rather than “ism。” Whether the “internationalism” of the period from 1840 to 1989, or the “globalism” of the next three decades, has exposed the human desire for anthropocentrism。 This anthropocentrism always appears with various lofty groupism。 These “isms” continue to trigger wars and competition, ultimately pointing to the destruction of humanity and the earth。

  This is a new knowledge narrative that has been brought about thirty years after the reintegration of global capital, politics, and the military。 This narrative is political, economic, and cultural。 Obviously, this new knowledge narrative has the greatest impact on the intellectuals and artists accustomed to talking on paper。 Confusion and anxiety are inevitable。 Moreover, this anxiety period may not soon pass。

  Therefore, we must face this new knowledge narrative change, create new world stories and new storytelling methods in art。 However, this does not mean that we must give up the value of the previous halo, but we need to adjust the practice of values。 Perhaps we must first forget the halo that we once wore and abandon our romantic confidence。 A more realistic look at one‘s own capabilities and realities is the only way to find new stories and new ways。 Get rid of any group meaning of “political correctness”。 Back to me, meet me and discover me。 Discover my abilities, my heart, my way of speaking。 Iron shoulders are morally important, but they must start with iron。 True self-confidence is determination。 It should be relaxation rather than anxiety。

  Thanks “Hello! ” The artist friends of the exhibition inspired me and gave me the opportunity to communicate with everyone。 Nanjing is a traditional center of literary talent and one of the centers of contemporary art。 She is always breeding new stories and new atmosphere。


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